Heidi Rew
Co-Host of Atlanta Voiceover Studio
Co-owner of Atlanta Voiceover Studio and Pro Voiceover Training
Professional voiceover actor for 13 years
Heidi Rew has hosted 66 Episodes.
Episode 12: From Beginner to Pro
November 1st, 2020 | 37 mins 22 secs
Hearing other people's voiceover journeys can be so inspiring! We asked 7 talent that have come through Atlanta Voiceover Studio to share their story of going from Beginner to Pro, their fears along the way and what they wished they had known.
FOR TRAINING, CLASSES (in-person and virtual) and other RESOURCES, check out -
www.ProVoiceoverTraining.comHOME STUDIO SET-UP RESOURCES
https://atlantavoiceoverstudio.com/home-studio-help/EMAIL NEWSLETTER SIGN UP:
https://mailchi.mp/83379552bb7b/10voiceovertips -
Episode 11: How to Transition from RADIO to VO
October 1st, 2020 | 33 mins 22 secs
Mike and Heidi both were on-air radio talent that then transitioned to full-time voice actors. Learn from our mistakes, what we WISH we had known, how much money we made at the beginning and our tips to go from a radio career to voiceover career successfully!
Info on classes, workshops & demos:
For on-demand training:
https://www.provoiceovertraining.comWould love to connect with you!
FB and IG: @atlantavoiceoverstudio
Twitter: @atlvostudio
@HeidiRew & @MikeStoudt